Perfect Fruit
a food based performance mapping the degradation of biodiversity and homogenization of microbiota in our food systems over a five-course progression for 20 diners with a viewing audience. Courses begin with varied preparations of a diverse set of ingredients but, as the meal progresses, result in the formation of an excessively grafted and reconstructed “perfect fruit,” a Frankensteinian amalgamation designed to be protein-rich, universally digestible, and resistant to decay, while, in return, compromising flavor and visual/textural diversity.
this event was part of the programing for TIffany Jaeyeon Shin's RECESS Session Microbial Speculation of our Gut Feelings. It took place on Jan 23, 2020 at Recess
project directed by Sarah K Williams and Christopher Lin / courses by Ashley Eliza Williams, Daniel Mantilla, Whitney Newton, Sarah K Williams, and Christopher Lin

Perfect Fruit image by Ashley Eliza Williams / photos by Recess, Robin Roi, Katie Bell, Sara Clugage, and Howard Fishman